The Benefits a Flagstone Floor Brings to the Party
Christmas and New Year celebrations are on everyone's minds this year and if you’re planning a get together with family and friends we thought we’d just point out the benefits a flagstone floor brings to any party.
It’s Durable…
Perfect for kitchens, hallways and bathrooms, flagstones can take high traffic and let’s face it all good parties are in the kitchen! It can handle spills as it’s stain and moisture resistant, so you don’t need to worry about the odd accident.
Allergy Friendly…
So unlike carpets, stone flooring doesn’t hold allergens which makes it great for any guests who suffer perhaps with pet allergies as stone floors can easily be wiped or vacuumed.
Temperature Control…
Stone is a fantastic conductor of heat so is ideally suited to go over underfloor heating. Stone also retains its heat once the heating goes off so you can be rest assured your guests will be warm during the winter months and fast forward to warmer days, stone keeps a room cool so great on hot days.
Every Stone Tile is Unique…
They are definitely a talking point, not only are they stunning to look at but no one tile is the same and varying the widths, cutting in random lengths and utilising traditional patterns hold the secret to creating the perfect look.
We recommend the following patterns for traditional flagstone floors to create our unique look and can discuss each in more detail.
- Triple width and random length pattern
- Single width and random length pattern
- Double width and random length pattern
- Grand Opus Pattern
The approach that we take means that the most is made of every bit of stone: no two pieces of stone are the same size and each White Hall floor has an exquisite approach to craft and detail. The result is flooring that becomes part of the very fabric of the building.
If you’re feeling inspired and want to find out more you might find this article useful - 5 Things to consider when choosing your Stone Floor. You can also request a free sample and contact us to discuss your individual needs in more detail.
And finally as no party, however good the floor looks, is ever complete without a cocktail we thought we would share one of our favourites that we recently discovered in Jamie’s new book Together - the Bramble